Zone art, taoyuan city, taiwan
It's about the interdependent relationship between emptiness and shell; emptiness needs to have a shell, and the shell is its framework./ It's about pairs, the corresponding relationships in pairs.
Most of these were fragmentary thoughts written in notebooks at that time. Among them, there was a piece of artwork depicting plants that I did not create myself. I intentionally invited two painters to each paint a picture. The content of both paintings was a potted plant, but the leaves of the plants in the paintings would extend from one canvas to the other. So, it can be said that they each helped paint a part of the other's leaves. This piece of artwork eventually formed a pair of paintings at the exhibition.
At the entrance of this space, I created two maps. The maps used symbols instead of text. One map showed the locations of the artworks in the space, and the other showed non-art objects, such as ladders or sockets. The reason for doing this was that I didn't want to use actual text in this exhibition. I was thinking if I could use artworks to explain artworks.